A good friend from my previous work who’s into photography recently asked me to pose nude for her. To which the camwhore in me immediately said “yes, oh yes!!!”. A few minutes later—reality sinking in—i asked her by sms if she was really serious with what she said. Without batting an eyelash (just judging from the speed with which I received her reply), she said yes, and that she’ll inform me when the time comes (worked out the venue, proper lighting set up, the works), adding that I can’t back out on her, now that I’ve said yes.

Sigh—the price you have to pay for having such delicious (!) body. Hehehe. But seriously I’m alarmed, not with the photoshoot—confident that I can easily shake her out of her delirium either by force or by charms; that I’m not Mr. Body Beautiful and therefore should be dropped from the shock (!) list immediately—but because the whole sms conversation is a big arrow pointing to something I’ve been neglecting lately : my yoga and mat workouts.
Been growing cute and cuddly again especially in the mid section. Now, a little cute and cuddly-ness is a-ok, but not with the rate i'm going. hehehe. if you knew me back in college, and high school and elementary days (hehehe) you can testify to my overflowing (pun intended) cuteness then; and i am not in anyway aching for a reunion. Note to myself : blogging is fun, but puhleease gentle… exercise
naman! Hmpf!
huwat. ur englishing in your blog. hahaha.
thanks bossing sa pagdaan sa blog ko. maraming salamats.
nga pala, dahil sa GP naging camwhore na din ako.lols
i know how 'cute' gentle was... as in really 'cute'. How do you post pictures w/ comments anyway gentle?
ha ha isama mo naman ako sa work out plan mo ha ha
who would've thought the librarian is also a yoga master!! hehe!
i was all skin and bones back in my elem days until 2nd yr college. since then i became as cute as a wild pig! haha!
let's see the nude pics! ahaha!
thanks for the comment earlier. peace out!
the gentle camwhore! haha!
posing nude for ***? that would be interesting! :)
my advice to you: you better tone those abs up. trust me, i know how ma-okray your photographer is. as in!
@ popoy - yes, i'm englishing. hehehe. and you're tagaloging. :)
@ abou - ok, since kalibo ka pala we'l schedule a beach yoga session there pag nakalayas kami ng grupo sa respective work namen. [gudlak ng marami]. prepare for some serious bending. hehehe.
@ ron - hehehe. you have to get past my manager first. my image is a foremost consideration. refer to my "hello commercials" post. :)
@ ize water - yup. you dont need to tell me hehehe.
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